Job Search

10 Nice-Guy Mistakes Holding Back Your Job Search

10 Nice-Guy Mistakes Holding Back Your Job Search

Every office has one—that jerk who is so rude you wonder how he or she ever got hired in the first place. Just thinking about people like that stings even more when you consider you’re the one looking for work. But we can all learn a lesson from the a-holes.

Being nice might not make you finish last, but it often leads to finishing 2nd, which is even more frustrating. So here are 10 “nice-guy” mistakes for you to avoid if you ever hope to land a job.

1. Understating your upside

Muhammad Ali said it best: “I don’t mean to brag, but I’m the greatest.” With friends, be humble. When you’re applying for a job, though, by all means brag. Employers want to be impressed. Tell them something that will make them say, “Wow!” not, “well, she seemed nice.”

2. Acting like a friend

Friends ask how your family is. They ask about your day. They comment on how nice your office looks or how excited they are to see you. Do you know what friends don’t do? Pay you $50,000 a year. Act like a professional who wants a job, not a lonely person who’s just glad to leave the house.

3. Listening without interruption

Is your interviewer more of a talker? The nice thing to do is nod your head politely and wait patiently for a chance to respond. But in a job interview, your minutes are numbered. Direct the conversation back to the matter at hand: you, the awesome new recruit ready to take the company by storm.

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4. Assuming your audience is intelligent

Nice people give others the benefit of the doubt a little too often when it comes to communication. Jerks talk to people like they’re explaining math to 5 year olds. However rude, jerks almost always get the point across.

5. Giving people their space

Nice people find themselves thinking, “I don’t want to call about the job again. That would be rude and annoying.” Sure, be nice. You wouldn’t want to interrupt the interview with the jerk who called back every day, would you?

6. Making small talk

Sometimes it’s nice to ease into an interview with a little conversation about the weather or sports or the latest reality TV chatter . To skip such pleasantries would be abrasive—at a party, maybe. But your interview is with people at work. They’re busy. Respect their time by offering them nothing but meaningful words and on-point conversation. The same goes for cover letters or email—delete the frivolous and get to the point.

7. Appreciating effusively

“It was SO nice to meet you!” “What a pleasure!” “Thank you SO much for taking the time to meet with me, I really appreciate it.” Please. Playing it too free and loose with the compliments and expressions of gratitude just makes a job applicant look desperate.

8. Being flexible

Ever go out to lunch with friends who can’t decide where to eat? That’s not nice, it’s frustrating. Don’t recreate that nonsense in an interview by refusing to commit to an opinion. Be decisive and firm in your answers Any applicant can say, “I’m open to whatever the situation calls for.” A truly special one will have a definitive answer.

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9. Expressing yourself

In a cover letter, in an interview, during a phone call—resist the urge to very nicely and personably talk all about your feelings. You’re excited for the opportunity. You’re happy to help in whatever way possible. Your rationale for the perfect work environment is six-fold. Keep your language practical, short, and easy on the sweet.

10. Showing loyalty

You have a really good feeling you’re going to get this job—should you really be talking to any more companies about another job possibility? You bet your over-developed sense of attachment, you should. The relationship isn’t monogamous until you sign a contract or at least start filling out tax forms.

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